Parenting a child who struggles to read can be both rewarding and enjoyable, opening up numerous avenues of growth for both academic and personal development. Although dyslexia, which is a neurological disorder that makes reading difficult, presents its own set of unique challenges, parents can still make lasting and significant differences in the lives of those afflicted by making diligent efforts with determination. In this article, we will explore the importance of patience and persistence in helping a dyslexic child and discuss effective strategies, including how to teach a child with dysgraphia, a related learning difficulty.

Understanding Dyslexia And Dysgraphia

Dyslexia: Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that predominantly impacts reading skills. Children living with dyslexia often struggle with decoding words, recognizing sight words and reading fluency. This condition often corresponds with difficulties in phonological processing – making connecting sounds to letters difficult.

Dysgraphia: Dysgraphia is another learning disability that hinders children’s ability to write legibly and coherently, manifested in difficulties with handwriting, spelling and organizing their thoughts on paper. Dysgraphia often co-occurs with dyslexia and compounds its difficulties when learning how to read and write.

The Importance Of Patience

Recognizing and Celebrating Individual Progress: One of the key components of assisting children who have dyslexia to reach success lies in recognising and celebrating individual development. Because each kid with dyslexia is affected differently, no single method exists that will ensure effective education about dyslexia. Therefore, it’s crucial that you show patience as your child navigates life alone rather than compare their path with that of other pupils.

Building Self-Esteem: Dyslexic children often struggle with low self-esteem due to scholastic difficulties; therefore, providing them with an encouraging and supportive atmosphere is key in order to boost confidence levels and raise levels of self-esteem; positive reinforcement can further assist them.

Allowing for Mistakes: Mistakes are an integral part of the learning process, and dyslexic children may make more of them. Be patient when they make errors in reading, writing, or spelling. Correcting mistakes with kindness and providing constructive feedback can help them improve without feeling discouraged.

Avoiding Pressure: Pressuring a dyslexic child to perform at a certain level or pace can create unnecessary anxiety. Instead, focus on their efforts and progress – no matter how small. Patience allows your child to learn at their own pace while gradually building skills.

The Importance Of Persistence

Consistent Practice: Dyslexic children benefit from consistent and structured practice. Persistence in providing regular reading and writing opportunities, even when they resist or become frustrated, is crucial. Set aside dedicated time for these activities to build their skills gradually.

Multi-Sensory Approaches: Employing multi-sensory teaching techniques can significantly aid dyslexic children in their learning journey. These approaches engage multiple senses, such as sight, hearing, and touch, to reinforce learning. For example, use textured letters for tactile feedback when teaching them to write.

Individualized Learning Plans: Consider creating an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan together with the school to address your child’s unique needs and help him/her flourish academically. Such plans offer tailored support, accommodations and resources designed to enable your child’s success.

Access to Assistive Technology: Persistence involves exploring and using assistive technology tools and apps designed specifically for dyslexic children that will make reading and writing simpler and more accessible to them – creating an enjoyable reading and writing experience for them.

How To Teach A Child With Dysgraphia?

Handwriting Practice: Start with basic handwriting exercises, emphasizing proper letter formation and size. Encourage your child to practice regularly, and provide tools like lined paper or specialized handwriting worksheets.

Keyboarding Skills: Introduce keyboarding skills early on, as typing can be less challenging for dysgraphic children than handwriting. Teach them to touch typing and provide opportunities to practice on a computer.

Visual Aids: Use visual aids like letter tracing sheets or highlighted paper with raised lines to help your child maintain proper spacing and alignment when writing.

Dictation Software: Explore dictation software that allows your child to speak their thoughts and have them converted into text. This can alleviate the frustration associated with writing difficulties.


Patience and persistence are keys to successfully helping dyslexic children navigate the difficulties associated with learning to read and write. Dyslexia and dysgraphia may pose barriers, but with the right approach parents can empower their child’s success.

Remind yourself that each child is an individual, and their progress may differ significantly. Celebrate small victories, provide consistent support, and tailor strategies specifically to their needs – creating a patient and persistent learning environment will allow your dyslexic child to build the skills and confidence to overcome challenges and excel.